The upcoming talk

At the next session of the TCS,

Asier López-Gordón


shall talk about

Homogeneous symplectic manifolds and integrable contact systems“.


Contact dynamics has gained popularity as a geometric framework for modelling certain dynamical systems which are not Hamiltonian in the usual sense, including some dissipative systems, as well as some thermodynamic systems or cosmological models. On the other hand, integrable systems have fascinated geometers and mathematical physicists for decades. This has motivated us to initiate a program to extend the theory of integrable systems to the realm of contact geometry.

The category of contact manifolds is equivalent to the category of 1-homogeneous symplectic manifolds. Moreover, contact Hamiltonian vector fields are in one-to-one correspondence with (symplectic) Hamiltonian vector fields of 1-homogeneous functions. These equivalences unveil a way to study the integrability of contact dynamics, namely, by considering integrable systems whose structures are homogeneous of an appropriate degree. It is noteworthy that this approach simplifies the problem substantially but does not render it trivial, as results in the category of symplectic manifolds may fall outside the category of homogeneous symplectic manifolds if homogeneity is not properly accounted for.

We have proven a Liouville–Arnol’d theorem for homogeneous functions on homogenous symplectic manifolds, which shows the existence of homogeneous action-angle coordinates, and deduced from it a counterpart for contact manifolds. Moreover, we have shown that, unlike in the symplectic-Poisson case, the recursion operator relating two compatible Jacobi structures cannot produce a maximal set of functions in involution. Nevertheless, bi-Hamiltonian structures can still be used to obtain a maximal set of functions in involution on a contact manifold. At the end of the talk, I will outline different directions for further research on integrable contact systems.

This is a joint work with L. Colombo, M. de León, M. Lainz, and M. E. Eyrea Irazú.

(All seminar talks are given on the online zoom platform. The web link for every session is circulated via the TCS mailing list. In order to be enlisted, please contact the Organisers.)

Calendar 2024/2025

DateSpeaker (affiliation)Title (with a link to the slides, whenever available)
October 9th, 2024Thomas Strobl (ICJ, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)From Gauge Theories to the octonionic Lie groupoid
October 16th, 2024Calin I. Lazaroiu (IFIN-HH, București & UNED, Madrid)Consistency conditions and fiducial 2-field models for SRRT inflation
October 23rd, 2024Alexander Schmeding (NTNU, Trondheim) Linking infinite-dimensional and higher differential geometry
October 30th, 2024Konrad Waldorf (Universität Greifswald)Buscher rules in general topology
November 6th, 2024Mikołaj Rotkiewicz (MIMUW, Warsaw)Exploring the structure of higher algebroids
November 13th, 2024No seminar on this date.
November 20th, 2024Participation in an online lecture by Alain Connes (Collège de France & IHES, Paris) at IM PASFrom class field theory to ζ spectral triples
November 27th, 2024Marian Aprodu (IMAR, București)Resonance and vector bundles
December 4th, 2024Carlos Shahbazi (UNED, Madrid)A class of differential-geometric problems in supergravity
December 11th, 2024No seminar on this date.
December 18th, 2024Anton Alekseev (Université de Genève)Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, Teichmüller spaces, and Virasoro algebra
January 8th, 2025Ingo Runkel (Universität Hamburg)Topological symmetries and their gaugings in 2dCFT and 3dTFT
January 15th, 2025No seminar on this date.
January 22nd, 2025Peter Kristel (Universität Greifswald)An Eclectic Excursion into 2-Categorical Geometry
February 26th, 2025No seminar on this date.
March 5th, 2025Katarzyna Grabowska (KMMF WFUW)Dirac algebroids in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian dynamics – theory and examples
March 12th, 2025Asier López-Gordón (IM PAN)Homogeneous symplectic manifolds and integrable contact systems
March 19th, 2025Leonid Ryvkin (ICJ, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)Introduction to singular foliations
March 26th, 2025Witold Respondek (INSA Rouen Normandie) TBA
April 2nd, 2025Bartosz PrechTBA
April 9th, 2025Rafał R. Suszek (KMMF WFUW)TBA
April 16th, 2025Tilmann Wurzbacher (IECL Metz)TBA
April 23rd, 2025
April 30th, 2025
May 7th, 2025
May 14th, 2025
May 21st, 2025Nils Carqueville (Universität Wien)Higher structures in topological quantum field theory
May 28th, 2025
June 4th, 2025
June 11th, 2025

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