The Trans-Carpathian Seminar on Geometry & Physics (TCS) is organised jointly by the Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw (KMMF WFUW), the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IM PAN), the Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) and the Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR). It has been established through a merger of its two local precursors: the Bucharest Geometry & Physics Seminar and the Warsaw Seminar on Geometric Methods in Physics, each having enjoyed a long tradition of robust activity and scientific excellence, which can be traced back to the respective founding figures: Gheorghe Țițeica, Dimitrie Pompeiu, Simion Stoilow and Horia Hulubei, and Samuel Eilenberg, Włodzimierz Tulczyjew, Krzysztof Gawędzki and Andrzej Trautman.

Its activity is dedicated to the advancement of our understanding and dissemination of modern results in the fields of geometry and physics sensu largo: ranging from classical differential geometry, the theory of Lie groups and groupoids, that of Lie algebras and algebroids, geometric mechanics, dynamical systems, symplectic, contact, Poisson/Jacobi and generalised geometries, through geometric gauge theory, moduli space theory, topological and conformal field theories, G-structures, spin geometry, index theory and geometric analysis, Calabi-Yau geometry and mirror symmetry, toric geometry, noncommutative and graded geometry, supersymmetry, higher geometry and cohomology, categorification of symmetries and dualities, i.e., mathematical structures and phenomena which arise naturally in classical and quantum mechanics, field theories, gravity and string theory. This diverse spectrum of topics is to be further expanded and enriched in directions dictated by the progress of research at the interface between physics and geometry.

Building on the tradition of the two communities, the initiative is aimed at fostering joint research projects and co-organisation of scientific events such as topical symposia, workshops, conferences and schools for young researchers, and – as its fundamental objective – at activating and stimulating trans-national cooperation of geometrically minded physicists and mathematicians from the CEE region.

Furthermore, members of the TCS group actively support and promote a sibling activity, The Trans-Carpathian Student Circle. The activity, undertaken by student groups from the two partner countries, to wit, the Carpathian Student Circle on Geometry and Physics, based in Bucharest, and the Society for Mathematical Methods in Physics, based in Warsaw, fosters structured collaboration and direct exchange of ideas and resources between the two national groups and focuses on self-study and research in the field of mathematical physics. Motivated by the understanding that the present trans-national research initiative is critically contingent upon the parallel formation of regional ties at various levels of academic activity, the goal is for the TCS to become a reliable source of mathematical culture, physics knowledge and intuition as well as practical scientific experience for our young Colleagues, and to provide Them with a natural pool of inspiration and a friendly platform for the presentation of the results of Their study and research.


About the TCS

Current activities

Organisers & Friends

Lecture notes



External links