The upcoming talk

At the next session of the TCS,

Cornelia Vizman (Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara)

shall talk about

“Universal extensions of Lie algebras of Hamiltonian/divergence free vector fields”.


This talk is about two conjectures by Claude Roger in [2]. I will shortly recall our older work [1], where we prove the conjecture about the universal central extension of the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields. Then I will focus on the universal central extension of the Lie algebra of exact divergence free vector fields. To prove this second conjecture, one needs to make a detour in the realm of Leibniz algebras.

Joint work with Bas Janssens (Delft University of Technology) and Leonid Ryvkin (University Claude Bernard Lyon 1)

[1] B. Janssens, C. Vizman, Universal central extension of the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields, IMRN, 2016.16 (2016) 4996-5047.
[2] C. Roger, Extensions centrales d’algèbres et de groupes de Lie de dimension infinie, algèbre de Virasoro et généralisations, Rep. Math. Phys., 35 (1995) 225–266.

(All seminar talks are given on the online zoom platform. The web link for every session is circulated via the TCS mailing list. In order to be enlisted, please contact the Organisers.)


DateSpeaker (affiliation)Title (with a link to the slides, whenever available)
June 19th, 2024Cornelia Vizman (Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara)Universal extensions of Lie algebras of Hamiltonian/divergence free vector fields
June 12th, 2024Wojciech Kamiński (IFT WFUW)Conformal Einstein’s Equations
June 5th, 2024Eugen Cioroianu (Universitatea din Craiova)Jacobi-like structures: A line-bundle perspective
May 29th, 2024Oleksii Kotov (Univerzita Hradec Králové)Introduction to Z-graded manifolds
May 22nd, 2024Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge)Quasi-Einstein metrics
May 15th, 2024Calin I. Lazaroiu (IFIN-HH & UNED)Weakly Abelian gauge theories
May 8th, 2024Javier de Lucas Araujo (KMMF WFUW)The local classification of finite-dimensional Lie algebras of analytic Hamiltonian vector fields on the plane
May 1st, 2024Ø (holiday)Ø
April 24th, 2024Daniel Beltiţă (IMAR)Lie group representations and standard subspaces of Hilbert spaces
April 17th, 2024Rafał R. Suszek (KMMF WFUW)1001 Tricks with Character(s)
– A Case for Simplicial Mechanics stitched by Categorified Correspondences
April 10th, 2024Stefan Carstea (IFIN-HH)Discrete integrable dynamical systems:
geometry of invariants and symmetries
March 27th, 2024Katarzyna Grabowska (KMMF WFUW)Algebroids – a playground for geometric mechanics
March 20th, 2024Janusz Grabowski (IMPAN)Homogeneity and formalisms of mechanics
March 13th, 2024Radu Purice (IMAR)Some results in the spectral analysis of quantum Hamiltonians with magnetic fields
March 6th, 2024Vasile Brînzănescu (IMAR)Algebraic Geometry at IMAR: past and present research

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