The upcoming talk

At the next session of the TCS,

Anton Yu. Alexeev

(Université de Genève)

shall talk about

Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, Teichmüller spaces, and Virasoro algebra“.


We will explain the relation between (infinite dimensional) Teichmüller spaces of hyperbolic metrics on oriented 2-manifolds with ideal boundary and the Virasoro algebra. This work is motivated by recent results on Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, and by the study of moduli spaces of flat connections on surfaces with boundary.

In the first part of the talk, we will recall the relation between Hamiltonian actions of Lie algebras and their central extensions, and we will consider an example given by the Meinrenken-Woodward theory of Hamiltonian actions of loop groups on moduli spaces of flat connections.

In the second part of the talk, we will turn to an example of Teichmüller spaces associated to surfaces with ideal boundary. We will show that they carry a natural Hamiltonian action of diffeomorphisms of the boundary, and that this action gives rise to the Virasoro central extension.

If time permits, we will state some open problems in the field.

The talk is based on a joint work with Eckhard Meinrenken, see arXiv:2401.03029.

(All seminar talks are given on the online zoom platform. The web link for every session is circulated via the TCS mailing list. In order to be enlisted, please contact the Organisers.)

Calendar 2024/2025

DateSpeaker (affiliation)Title (with a link to the slides, whenever available)
October 9th, 2024Thomas Strobl (ICJ, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)From Gauge Theories to the octonionic Lie groupoid
October 16th, 2024Calin I. Lazaroiu (IFIN-HH, București & UNED, Madrid)Consistency conditions and fiducial 2-field models for SRRT inflation
October 23rd, 2024Alexander Schmeding (NTNU, Trondheim) Linking infinite-dimensional and higher differential geometry
October 30th, 2024Konrad Waldorf (Universität Greifswald)Buscher rules in general topology
November 6th, 2024Mikołaj Rotkiewicz (MIMUW, Warsaw)Exploring the structure of higher algebroids
November 13th, 2024No seminar on this date.
November 20th, 2024Participation in an online lecture by Alain Connes (Collège de France & IHES, Paris) at IM PASFrom class field theory to ζ spectral triples
November 27th, 2024Marian Aprodu (IMAR, București)Resonance and vector bundles
December 4th, 2024Carlos Shahbazi (UNED, Madrid)A class of differential-geometric problems in supergravity
December 11th, 2024No seminar on this date.
December 18th, 2024Anton Alekseev (Université de Genève)Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, Teichmüller spaces, and Virasoro algebra
January 8th, 2025Ingo Runkel (Universität Hamburg)TBA
January 15th, 2025
January 22nd, 2025Peter Kristel (Universität Greifswald)TBA

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